Constantin Sandu’s leit-motiv:
“Make your life a dream through music, then transform the dream into reality”.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The performing art of Constantin Sandu has developed under the influence of his Romanian masters – Sonia Ratescu, Constantin Nitu and, later on, Constantin Ionescu-Vovu at the “Ciprian Porumbescu” Higher Music Conservatory of Bucharest – and of other outstanding individualities such as Sequeira Costa, Dimitri Bashkirov, Helena Sá e Costa and Tânia Achot. His unique artistic personality blends accuracy and respect for the musical text with fascinating poetical sensitivity and imaginative sound spectrum
At the age of 14, he started his career as a soloist with orchestra. Since then, he has been involved in an intense musical activity – hundreds of recitals, chamber music and concerts with orchestra – in several European and Asiancountries, having had favourable appreciation from both the public and the critics: “his sensitive personality helps him give a very personal though valid version” (Piano Journal – United Kingdom); “a musician of an undoubted personality, (…) a magnificent sense of colour and rhythm, together with undeniable virtuosity” (Diario de Sevilla – Spain); “a superb pianist, (…) a masterful hue and delicacy (…) irreproachable mastery. Overwhelming.” (ABC – Spain); “an artistic performance of real excellence” (Muzica – Romania); “a concerto full of expression and emotion” (Público – Portugal); “A General leading his troops, the Bodensee Symphonic Orchestra.” (L’ Est Républicain – France); “The delicate and deep playing, the almost immaterial sound, carried the audience into a dimension of dream.” (Corriere Valsesiano – Italy).
He holds several awards at international competitions: Senigallia – Italy 1980 (2nd), Viotti-Valsesia – Italy 1981 (1st), Paloma O’Shea – Santander, Spain 1984 (Honourable mention), Epinal – France 1985 (2nd) and Maria Canals – Barcelona, Spain 1985 (3rd and Alberto Mozatti special prize).
He has participated in important Festivals, namely: Enescu – Bucharest, Chopin – Paris, Festival Internacional de Santander, Festival de Primavera – Sevilla, Ciudad de Ayamonte, Figueira da Foz, Espinho, Guimarães.
He is a regular guest soloist of the most significant Romanian orchestras, such as: George Enescu – Bucharest, Transilvania – Cluj, Oltenia – Craiova Philharmonics, and the Symphonic Orchestra of the Romanian Broadcasting. He has also played with noteworthy European orchestras, as for instance: Arthur Rubinstein – Lodz, Halle Philharmonic, Bodensee Orchestra – Konstanz, National Orchestra of Belarus, Symphonic Orchestra of Radio – television of Kiev, National Philharmonic of Moldavia, National Orchestra of Porto.
He has played with renowned conductors, such as: Cristian Mandeal, Horia Andreescu, Ludovic Bacs, Emanuel Elenescu, Ilya Stupel, Thomas Koncz, Victor Dubrovski, Emil Hatchaturian, Elena Herrera, Meir Minsky, Mark Stephenson, Heribert Beissel, Johen Wehner, Robert E. Luther and Didier Benetti and Piero Bellugi.
He has performed in celebrated concert halls (Ateneul Roman – Bucharest, Concert Hall of the Romanian Broadcasting Society – Bucharest, Palau de la Música Catalana – Barcelona, Iturbi hall of the Palau de la Música – Valencia, Manuel de Falla Auditorium – Granada, Mozart hall of the Zaragoza Auditorium, Teatro de Rojas – Toledo, Teatro Cervantes – Malaga, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – Lisbon, Casa da Música – Porto) and in other important musical centres (London, Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Rome, Turin, Madrid, Seville, Bratislava, etc.).
He was a member of the jury of the following International Competitions: Vianna da Motta — Lisbon, Portugal 2001, Cidade do Porto — Portugal 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2010, Viotti-Valsesia — Italy 1995, Pinerollo-Cittá della cavalleria — Italy 1994 and 1996, Helena Sá e Costa — Aveiro, Portugal 2004, Florinda Santos — São João de Madeira, Portugal 2004, Ciudad de Toledo – Spain 2007 and Propiano – Bucharest, Romania 2008, 2009 and 2010.
He has given several master classes, among which the following are to be mentioned: master classes within the Porto International Music Courses 1998, the Celebrating the Great Pianists Festival in Aveiro 2001 and the International Music Courses Ciudad de Gandia 2003; a master class at the National Music University of Bucharest 2005, another within the International Music Forum of Torrelodones 2008; master classes at the National Music Conservatory of Lisbon 2008 and several editions of the International Instrumental Courses of ARTAVE/Centro de Cultura Musical.
Within Porto 2001 — European Capital of Culture, he performed Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Porto National Orchestra, under the direction of Mark Tardue. This performance was integrated in an all-Rachmaninov-Concertos programme, in which he participated together with Vladimir Viardo, Sequeira Costa e Artur Pizarro.
He recorded several CDs – Beethoven (2001), Albeniz and Gershwin (2002), Portuguese and Romanian piano music (2005), Mozart and A. J. Fernandes Concertos (2009), Beethoven (2020) and other collective or chamber music works.
In 2006, he received the title of Ph. D. in music at the National Music University of Bucharest, with the thesis Portuguese Piano Music.
He has lived in Portugal since 1991 and presently teaches the piano at the Porto Higher School of Music and the Performing Arts, where he is the current Head of The Music Department.