The competition will provide the recording and digital publishing of a CD with KNS ClassicaL, one complete CD for each “Carles & Sofia Victory Award” winner.
The recording will take place in Girona, at the “44.1 Studio recording”.
All the recordings will take place in July 2026.
With the aim to reproduce the actual performance on a competition or on a real concert, the recording has been planned as a live one, consisting of 4 hours of recording session, as follows:
The winner records his/her complete program for a CD (50-60 minutes) in one hour.
He/she repeats what they think should be done again, and they will have 3 hours room for those repeats. Afterwards, the audio files will be sent to the winners, and they can choose the version they wish to publish.

As part of the “Steinway Experience” Award, Jorquera Pianos Steinway & Sons Barcelona, will prepare a full-grand D-274 Steinway & Sons in perfect conditions for the recording,

The recording of the CDs of the winners of the “Carles & Sofia Victory Award” will be made with the following materials:
Microphones: Schoeps MK2, Line Audio CM4, NEUMANN U87
Preamps: Millennia HV-3D
Converters: Apogee AD 16X
Software: Protools Ultimate
The competition takes care of the recording itself and the digital publication and distribution of the CD with KNS Classical (and all the elements involved in it, including the design of the cover and all the required items for publication). Should the winner wish to have physical copies of it, he/she should order them apart from KNS Classical.
*Travel and hotel expenses while in Girona are at contestants’ charge. The competition will provide transportation to the contestants from their hotels to the recording studio.